In the event of a claimable event, follow the links below to complete the required claim form and forward to your Hazlett insurance broker or our claims manager.
Contact the Claims Manager
Group 1574

Insurance Claim Form

To be completed for personal and business claims, excluding vehicles.

Download PDF
Group 1554

Vehicle Claim Form

To be completed in the event of your vehicle being damaged or causing damage to another vehicle.

Download PDF

Motor Vehicle Windscreen

Most windscreen repair claims can be completed without the need for a claim form. Simply call us to confirm your insurance details, book the vehicle in for the repair, provide the repairer with your insurance details and the invoice will be sent directly to the insurer.


What should I do in the event of a motor vehicle accident?
Contact our office as soon as possible for assistance. If the vehicle is unable to be driven it will need to be towed to the nearest repairer who can report back on the estimated cost to repair. This quote will be submitted to the insurer who must approve before work commences. On completion of the work you will pay the excess to the repairer and they will submit the balance owed invoice to the insurer.
What should I do in the event of property damage?
For minor damage to your property please take photos and secure the property to prevent further damage. To lodge a claim please complete and submit an Insurance Claim form available via the above link. For major damage please contact us immediately.
What should I do in the event of burglary or theft?
The first step is to report this to the police who should provide a police acknowledgement. If the burglars have forcefully entered property and caused damage, take photos and secure the property ASAP. We will require a claim form, the police acknowledgement, a list of items stolen or damaged and if possible, proof of purchase.